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Currently reading

MirrorMask (children's edition)
Neil Gaiman
The Unreal and the Real: Selected Stories, Volume One: Where on Earth
Ursula K. Le Guin
Betsy and Tacy Go Downtown
Maud Hart Lovelace
The Picture of Dorian Gray
Oscar Wilde, Camille Cauti
Riders of the Purple Sage
Zane Grey
Vampires, Zombies, & Wanton Souls
Marge Simon
Pumpkin Soup - Helen Cooper The gorgeous autumnal illustrations alone make Pumpkin Soup worth a gander. Our 2-1/2-year-old loves ducks and squirrels, so she was happy. And Dad was intrigued by the duck's multiple challenges to the status quo. I mean, who wants to be stuck with the repetitive task of salting food anyway? At some point, I'd question the division of labor too and begin pushing to experience the stirring (squirrel's traditional role) and pumpkin chopping (cat's task) parts of the food preparation exercise. Learning new things is bliss! I salute duck's leaving in protest when not allowed to "stir the pot" a bit.

Helen Cooper's drawings really are fantastic. Enjoy!